Can Chickens Eat Jello? Is It Safe or Toxic

We all love sitting around, enjoying our favorite sugar-filled snacks. You may have even looked over at your chickens while eating one of your favorite snacks and wondered, “can chickens eat jello?”

Can Chickens Eat Jello? 

While not toxic, jello contains high amounts of sugar and other additives that may not be good for them. Opt for the sugar-free variety and feed it in moderation. 

There’s not a lot that chickens won’t eat, and many people on this forum say they love eating it! Here’s a video of some chickens eating jello from a bowl. 

If you have backyard chickens, it’s always good to know what’s good for them and what foods to avoid. Let’s take a look at whether or not jello is safe for your flock and what you should know if you decide to feed it to them.  

Is Jello Healthy For Chickens? 

Jello is not the healthiest snack option for chickens or humans. It is high in sugar and fats. One serving contains 80 calories and does not have any nutritional value or benefits for your flock. 

On hot days opt for more nutritious foods such as cold cucumbers, cold watermelon, or yogurt. Don’t forget to give your chickens fresh clean water, to ensure they stay properly hydrated.

Nutritional Information for Jello

One ounce of gelatin desserts dry mix contains:

Total Carbohydrates25.3 grams
Sugars24.1 grams
Choline1.0 mg
Calcium0.8 mg
Phosphorus39.5 mg
Potassium2.0 mg
Sodium130 mg
Water0.3 grams
Selenium1.9 mcg


The Dangers of Feeding Chickens Jello

If you give your chickens a small taste, you’ll likely not notice any side effects from feeding them jello. However, if you feed jello every day or too much at once, it can cause them to become overweight and lead to a drop in egg production.  

Gelatin gives jello that wiggly texture that your chickens may find fascinating. However, this dessert contains sweeteners, colorings, and flavoring agents that may be harmful.  

The FDA has approved aspartame as a sweetener for foods. It has been linked to cardiovascular and brain problems in humans. (source

Strawberry Jello contains a red dye, adipic acid, sugar, disodium, fumaric acid, and phosphate. Food dye has been known to have side effects in people, and it can harm your chickens. 

There are several jello manufacturers, so it’s vital to read the ingredients on the label, so you know what your chickens are eating. 

If you want a robust and healthy chicken that provides you healthy eggs for your morning breakfast, it is best to avoid giving them loads of sugar or giving it to them at all. 

Will Chickens Eat Jello?

is jello safe for chickens
While not toxic, it should be avoided. Never fed your chickens jello with marshmallows or any other toppings.

If you decide you want to share small amounts of jello with the, it’s not the end of the world. Your chickens will likely eat it, especially if you put it in a bowl.  

Avoid adding any toppings such as marshmallows, cream cheese, or fruit salads that add more sugar to this already sugary snack. Chickens shouldn’t eat marshmallows, as they are extremely high in sugar.

Chickens will eat pretty much anything, but it doesn’t mean that you should include it in their diet. If you ever have any questions about whether a particular food is good for your chickens, always consult with your avian veterinarian.

Can Chickens Eat Sugar-Free Jello? 

While the sugar-free gelatin dessert has less sugar than the regular variety, it contains aspartame and other artificial ingredients that may not be safe for your chickens. 

The sugar-free variety has less sugar, making it a safer option for your flock; it still should be avoided. 

Do Chickens Like Jello?

Chickens are similar to hogs as they are like garbage disposals. These omnivores will eat (almost) anything, even their own eggs! Many chicken owners understand this and will feed them leftovers because they don’t want to waste it. 

Like people, some chickens will like the taste of raspberry jello over blueberry. At the same time, others will prefer the taste of the lime variety.

How Do You Know If You’re Overfeeding Chickens Jello?

Whenever you’re feeding your chickens any snack, it’s vital to monitor them for any side effects or allergic reactions. Like us, chickens can experience allergies or adverse reactions to certain foods. 

If you’ve never fed your chickens jello, monitor them closely for 24-48 hours. If you notice any strange behavior or side effects of any kind, stop feeding them jello. Contact your veterinarian if the symptoms persist. 

Avoid treats that can cause an off-flavor in eggs, such as asparagus. garlic and onions. 

Can Baby Chicks Eat Jello?

Young chicks that are still eating starter feed should never be fed any sugary snacks. Avoid adding any human foods to their diet until they have become adults. 

During the first growth stage, a chick’s diet should comprise at least 18% protein to aid in the growth. The feed should consist of prebiotics, vitamins, minerals, and probiotics to support healthy bones and a strong immune system.

Alternatives to Jello for Chickens

If you want to give your chickens some jello but feel like it is just too big of a risk, there are many other options that you can feed to them as a delicious alternative snack that may be healthier for your chicken friends and do not contain as much or any sugar. 

Instead, consider giving them some cooked vegetables, popcorn, fish skin, cheese, cottage cheese, or yogurt. 

If something is not suitable for us, it’s likely not safe for your chickens. 

Feeding chickens a balanced and complete diet is simple if you follow the 90/10 rule. 90% should consist of their regular food, and treats should consume no more than 10% of their regular diet.

Final Word  

While not toxic if fed in small amounts, there are much better snack options for your flock. 

Never give your chickens high amounts of jello as it can result in health problems and egg production for your chickens. 

Make sure your chickens do not have any bad reaction to the snacks you are serving to them. 

Jello does not provide any extra health benefits for your chicken but will not hurt them, granted you give them the snack in smaller amounts and make sure you are providing your chickens with their proper chicken feed. 

It ensures they can get the standard vitamins and nutrients that they require. 

If you choose not to give your chickens jello but want to serve them a different kind of snack, there are many different varieties of snacks you can make by yourself with minimal effort. 

Think outside the box or do your research on ideas to make fun and wholesome snacks for them to peck at and enjoy. 

There is an abundance of options to get creative and to make it fun for yourself. A healthy snack you should consider is feeding your chickens cabbage, especially since you can make it an excellent way for them to get some exercise!