Many chickens keepers will become animal collectors. This is because chickens open the doorway to so many more animals to care for. If you have chickens, you’ve probably also considered getting a different kind of bird as well. Peacocks are big beautiful birds that are unique pets to have. If you’re considering getting peacocks, you might be wondering if they can live with your chickens. Are there any risks to homing chickens and peacocks together? Is it possible to keep them together peacefully?
Can Chickens Live With Peacocks
Yes, chickens can live with peacocks, but there are some risks associated with it. Peacocks are very susceptible and at high risk to diseases from chickens like Blackhead Disease, which can be fatal; chickens are notorious for passing on infectious diseases and are usually recommended not to be paired with other birds.
That said, several chicken owners have learned how to get the two birds to live together. But there are several things you need to know about to help ensure the safety of both birds.
How To Keep Chickens And Peacocks Together
Chickens and peacocks can be kept together peacefully. They both get along with each other reasonably well, and behavioral issues between the two are rare.
If you’re keeping peacocks with chickens, they will need to be dewormed regularly, just as you would a dog or cat. Peacocks are at high risk for parasites and other diseases that chickens can pass along.
Make sure your chickens and peacocks are kept in an enclosed space or fenced-in yard. Each flock or group should have an appropriate amount of space to free roam, explore, and get away from each other if bullying occurs.
Peacocks make excellent “watch dogs” and will scream if they get spooked. This will sometimes be enough to scare off predators or even alert you if there are some nearby.
That peacock behavior can help protect your chickens from predators such as raccoons, opossums, skunks, rodents, etc.
Although chickens and peacocks can share the same yard, they should have separate coops for sleeping and nesting as they each have different housing needs.
Chicken Housing Requirements
Chickens need a coop that they can sleep and nest in. The coop should have a roof and walls to protect them from predators and the outside elements.
Your chickens will also need nesting boxes to lay their eggs. These should be off the ground, and there should be one box for every 2-3 hens. Chickens should also have perches off the ground for them to sleep on.
Chickens also need a run or a yard to free roam in as they cannot stay in their coop for days at a time.
Peacock Housing Requirements
Peacocks have been known to be a nuisance to neighbors. Make sure to check your zoning laws to make sure peacocks are permitted in your area.
Just because you have chickens does not mean you can also keep peacocks as they are viewed differently under the law. This is because peacocks like to wander around and into your neighbors’ yards. They’ve been known to eat flowers, gardens and even jump on top of cars.
Most peacock owners choose to keep them in an entirely closed enclosure to prevent wandering. Their enclosure should be 12 feet wide, 16 feet long, and about 8 feet tall. They should also have perches to sleep on that should be about 5 feet off the ground so that their tails don’t touch the floor.
Peacocks can be very loud and might result in a few complaining or annoyed neighbors. Sometimes keeping your peacocks in a large coop can help contain some of the screechings, so it’s not as loud.
In the winter, they will need a very large coop, shed, or barn to protect them from the cold and other elements.
Feeding Time
Peacocks require a high protein diet and should not be fed the same food as chickens eat. You’ll want to feed them separately to ensure the birds do not eat each other’s food.
The Dangers Of Keeping Chickens And Peacocks Together
Chickens are usually not recommended to be paired with other birds, including turkey and peacocks. This is because chickens are notorious for carrying and passing on parasites and fatal diseases to other birds.
Chickens can have many diseases or parasites without any ill-effect. The owners won’t even know they have a problem until they own another bird, such as peacocks.
One of the most common and most deadly diseases passed on to other birds from chickens is Blackhead disease.
Blackhead Disease
Blackhead disease, also called histomoniasis, is a fatal disease contracted by birds that chickens usually pass. Blackhead disease is caused by a protozoan. These can severely damage the liver and your birds’ cecum, which is a part of their intestines responsible for processing foods.
Signs of Blackhead disease include lethargy, depression, weight loss, loss of appetite, lack of weight gain (if they’re supposed to be growing), not preening, lack of interest, and even death.
The only way to cure Blackhead is with medications prescribed by your veterinarian.
Fights Will Happen
Fights are natural, especially when different species of birds live together. Ensure you don’t put baby chicks in the same area as the peacocks, as the more giant birds will pick on the smaller birds.
If the birds have ample space to roam around, fights will still break out, but the smaller birds will have enough space to get away.
Chickens and peacocks can indeed live together, although not recommended. This is because chickens are notorious for passing deadly diseases on to other bird species that live near them, including peacocks.
The most common and fatal disease is Blackhead disease. This disease severely damages a bird’s liver and cecum, which is located in the intestines.
Chickens and peacocks can safely free roam together in a yard, but they will need separate coops as they have different housing requirements.
Some owners also choose to keep their peacocks in a totally enclosed space as they like to wander. Peacocks have been known to wander in neighbors’ yards and eat flowers, garden fruits, and vegetables, and even jump on top of cars.
If you’re keeping chickens and peacocks together, your peacocks will need to be dewormed monthly, just as you would with a dog or cat. Chickens carry many worms and parasites that can easily be passed onto your peacocks, which are very sensitive to parasites.
So, although chickens and peacocks can live together, there are a few precautions you need to consider and take beforehand. As long as each animal has enough space to roam around, there should be few issues.
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