Do Iguanas Kill Chickens? How To Protect Them

If you live in Florida, you have likely seen iguanas roaming around the chicken coop in your backyard. These lizards can grow very big, and it’s totally common to worry about your chickens. So, will they kill chickens? What can you do to keep iguanas out of your yard and away from your chickens?

Do Iguanas Kill Chickens

Iguanas are herbivores and are unlikely to attack and eat your chickens but occasionally eat small chicks. However, they will raid and steal their eggs. Iguanas are very territorial and will attack anything in their territory, although they are herbivores, so they don’t seek out chickens to hunt

Several other wild lizards that look like iguanas and will attack your chickens. This Tegu, which usually eats fruits, vegetables, dog or cat food, and eggs, eats a baby chick in the video below. 

Iguanas won’t usually eat chickens. But, if there is a shortage of food, they may feel compelled to eat a baby chick. We’ll share how to protect your chicken eggs, baby chicks and how to keep iguanas away. 

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What Are Iguanas

There are over 350 species of iguanas around the world and they come in many different colors such as green, brown, orange, black, and even blue. Iguanas are native to Central and South America, although they are also an invasive species in places like Florida, Hawaii, and Texas. 

Iguanas are usually around 1.5 meters (4.9 feet), but they can grow up to 2 meters long (6.6 feet) and typically weigh no more than 20 pounds.

Iguanas are arboreal, which means they spend most of their lives living in treetops. Iguanas are commonly found in trees over pools, oceans, or other bodies of water. An iguana usually has one tree home and is very territorial of it.

Both male and female iguanas are very territorial. They will attack or chase anything that comes close to them and their “territory,” even if it is your back yard. If you have wild iguanas in your area and they are in your yard often, you will have to iguana-proof your yard, so they don’t harm your chickens. You can also enclose your chicken run, so they aren’t free-range or exposed to outside predators.

Will Iguanas Eat Chickens?

Because they’re herbivores, and an iguana’s diet consists mostly of plant materials such as weeds, leaves, flowers, and fruits. They will eat various flowers, herbs, foliage, fruits, and vegetables.

In the wild, iguanas have been known to occasionally eat things such as snails and insects. Iguanas bodies aren’t properly built to digest meat. They will only seek out food alternatives if there are no other sources available. They have also been known to eat chicks occasionally but will never hunt and kill a full-grown chicken for feeding.

Related: Will Bats Kill Chickens?

How To Prevent Iguanas From Killing Your Chickens

how to protect chickens from iguanas
Iguanas will eat a small chick if given a chance.

Even though it is highly unlikely for an iguana to kill your chicken, it is still possible. There are some precautions you can take to keep iguanas out of your yard. If you have a pet iguana, it’s important that you don’t let it interact with your chickens.

Although it may be tame, there is a chance it could become territorial and attack your chickens. It is crucial to keep your iguana away from baby chicks as they have been known to eat them if they are hungry enough.

There are many ways you can keep wild iguanas out of your yard and away from your chickens. If an iguana is hungry enough, it could go after your chickens, their eggs, or even your chicks. It’s always a good idea to have some defense in place before an incident happens instead of after.

Clean Up Your Yard

First and foremost, you should always take preventative measures. This means making sure your yard isn’t attracting or hosting iguanas or other predators to chickens. Make sure there is no left our garbage or animal feed. Pick up all fallen fruits or vegetables from your garden. 

Clean your yard of hiding places like woodpiles and debris. When an animal finds something in your yard that they like, they won’t hesitate to return again, putting your chickens at risk of an attack.

Cover The Holes

Iguanas love to dig because this is where they lay their eggs. Whenever you see a hole in your yard, ensure you keep it filled. Don’t just fill it with loose dirt, as they will easily dig it back open. Fill it with large rocks or gravel, then cover it with soil.

When they return, the rocks will prevent them from being able to dig open the hole. They won’t be able to bury their eggs in your yard and will move on. 

Keep Your Garbage Cans Covered

A hungry iguana will dig in your garbage cans in search of food. Some iguanas are smart enough to lift the lid and slide it off. Either put a cinder block on the cans or store them somewhere they can’t get to them. 

Compost Bins

Do not leave food scraps such as vegetables, fresh fruit, or open compost bins in your garden. Iguanas are herbivores, and this will be an open invitation to dine in your yard. 

Do Not Feed Feed the Iguanas

Don’t feed the wild iguanas. If they learn your yard is a place where they can get food, they will keep returning. 

Cover Warm Surfaces

Keep warm surfaces such as rocks, sidewalks, etc., covered. Iguanas are attracted to warm surfaces and spend their days lounging in the sun. 

Use Motion-Activated Sprinklers

You can use water hoses to spray them or install motion-activated sprinklers. It will encourage the reptiles to move on to the next yard.

Loud Noises

Hanging CDs on trees and plants where they keep entering your yard is a great way to scare them away. You’ll need to change the CD’s position often, as they will learn which areas of your yard to avoid. 

Build A Fence

If iguanas are getting into your yard, you can try building a fence. Make sure the fence is pretty high, as iguanas are good climbers. They are also good diggers, so extend the fence a few feet below the ground if you can. It will also prevent other predators (armadillos) from digging, climbing, and getting into your yard as well.

Consider installing an electric fence to keep them out. 

Tree Protection

Iguanas love to climb trees, so it’s essential to keep yours protected. Use 18-36″ sheet metal guards to wrap around the base of your trees. Iguanas won’t be able to climb the trees because of the slippery metal. 

Take A Look At Your Plants

You can also try replacing certain plants in your yard. Iguanas are herbivores and are very attracted to flowers, foliage, vegetables, and fruits. If you have a garden, put a fence around it so they can’t get in. Try planting plants iguanas don’t like, such as society garlic, cordyline, or chenille.

Use Wire Netting Around Plants

Consider using wire netting, screens, or cages around your plants and shrubs. As the plants and shrubs grow, the netting will become less visible but will keep the iguanas away. 

Iguana Repellent

If none of the methods above work, it’s time to use IGUANA GONE All -Natural Iguana Repellant. It’s completely humane and won’t harm or kill the iguanas. Instead, it works by triggering a flight-response in iguanas. 

Just spray the areas where iguanas like to frequent your yard. That’s it, overtime these reptiles will quit coming back. The best part is, this repellent doesn’t contain any pesticides making it safe for plants, pets, and people. 

Pet Iguanas

According to PRNews Wire, pet iguanas are very popular reptiles for pet owners. If you have a pet iguana, keep them full, so they’re not tempted to eat your chicks. 

Ensure your iguana is tame so you can teach it what to do and what not to do. Also, make sure to supervise your iguana when you let it roam around. Don’t allow your iguana to get near your chickens and chicks as a preventative measure.


Although it’s very unlikely and rare, iguanas can attack and kill your chickens. Iguanas are very territorial and will attack anything near them and their “territory,” even if it is your backyard. Make sure to iguana-proof your yard if you know they are in your area.

In the wild, iguanas eat fruits, herbs, vegetables, foliage, flowers, and weeds. Iguanas are herbivores and very rarely eat meat. However, if they are hungry enough, they are willing to try anything. Iguanas have been known to eat a chick occasionally, but their bodies cannot process meat correctly.

Always take preventative measures to keep iguanas and other dangerous predators out of your yard. This includes picking up garbage, animal feed, fallen fruits or vegetables, and cleaning up any hiding places such as woodpiles or debris. 

You can also build a fence around your yard or garden to keep them out. Make sure the fence is tall and extends a few feet underground, this will also be sure to help keep any other predators out of your yard and away from your chickens.

Iguanas can kill your chickens, so it’s essential to take the necessary measures to protect your chickens if possible.

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